Are you ready to release old stories, unblock stuck emotions, and transform limiting beliefs?

Dive into where these things really live - in the body - all through the simple yet powerful force of your own breath.


Breathwork can help you:

  • Release Anxiety, Anger, Grief

  • Reconnect to Your Intuition

  • Move out of Numbness and Freeze States

  • Access Deep Wisdom and Creative Potential

  • Experience the Sweetest Rest


What is a Breathwork Session like?

During a Breathwork Healing Session, you’ll engage in an active breathing meditation that allows the mind to rest and the intelligence of the body to take over. I will gently guide you throughout the session and hold space for whatever may arise. Sessions last 60 - 75 minutes, including a period of rest and integration.

This type of breathwork can be more intense - which is how it brings transformation so quickly. Some people say Breathwork is akin to a psychedelic experience. Others report it’s like months of therapy in one hour. Breathwork has the incredible ability to bring to light exactly what needs to be brought up in the moment, in order to wash it clear with breath.


Why practice Breathwork?

The practice of breathwork brings you home to yourself. With so much constant input from our external world, it makes sense that many of us don’t feel in tune with our bodies, our emotions, and our own being. Breathwork allows you to return to the present and come into contact with what is possible in each given moment.


How much does it cost?

  • 1:1 Breathwork Healing Sessions are $155

  • Group Sessions are $33 per person

For those with less access to financial resources, I offer discounted sliding scale options for all sessions. Codes available upon booking.

You are welcome to tip, which helps support the sliding scale model and create future lower cost options. To understand where you may fall on the scale, I recommend this resource from Alexis J. Cunningworth, especially this graphic.

If this is still not within reach, please contact me.


Breathwork Healing Sessions hold root in the Pranayama practices of Yoga and were further developed by David Elliott.

The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. If you believe you have a medical condition, please contact a licensed medical provider.